Advantages Of Computer

There are several advantages of computers in today's world because everywhere we use computers or laptops to do our daily tasks for example - Schools, offices, hospitals, online Shopping, Home, and Banks, etc. Our Prime Minister Modi Ji launched the Digital India mission in which he focused on the online transaction and every transaction needs a machine to complete the transaction.

We use the computer to get accurate and fast results in milliseconds. The computer can perform many difficult tasks in a few seconds and it is also reduced our paperwork. Most of the biggest advantage of computers is our paperwork is reduced because we can save files on the computer and we can also set the password so only you can access your confidential details hence, it is a very secure way to save your data.

Advantages Of Computer

Advantages of Computers 

High Speed

  • The computer is the fastest calculating machine in the world because it performs there a task in a few nanoseconds.
  • If you have a large amount of data to calculate you can do this work with the help of a computer it will take a few seconds to process your data and you can save your lot of time.
  • Computers produce his result in Microsecond, Nanosecond, Picosecond.
  • The response time of the computer is very fast. Because it can give you desirable results over the internet in a few milliseconds.


  • The second advantages of computer are it gives you accurate result without making any error
  • The mistake in only done by the human, not by the computer. If you input the correct data then the computer will show you the correct output. 
  • The computer system works according to the program and gives you 100%  surety to correct the result.
  • There are no chances of mistake that's why every businessman uses the computer to do their accounting and bookkeeping.

Storage Capability

  • Computer memory is an essential part of a computer system because every task which the computer is going to process first must have to save into the memory than the computer process the data and give your desired result.
  • The computer memory is categorized into two different parts which is  Primary Memory and Secondary memory. Primary memory is limited memory and the Secondary memory is Unlimited.
  • You can increase the size of secondary memory according to your usage because there is no restriction to add memory but when you increase the size of your computer memory then the price of computer memory will also increase. 
  • In the computer memory, you can save any kind of data for example Images, Text, Video & Audio, etc.
  • Now today's date you can purchase online space where you can save your data for future use and this online space can be accessed through any machine which has an internet browser. So here you get the freedom to access your data throughout the world.


  • As you already know Computer is a machine and it is free from all the tiredness, monotony, and lack of concentration.
  • It can perform his task continuously without giving you any kind of error.
  • In a human being, it is very common when a human does the same work repeatedly then it loses his speed and it looks very boring for him. But the computer does his work with the same speed and accuracy.


  • One of the biggest advantages of computer is, it works as a versatile machine.
  • It performs his task very smoothly as it programmed for the work.
  • It provides you the best experience by using the simultaneously feature by which you can perform the different tasks at the same time so, you can save your lot of time.


  • It is a very reliable method to do your work in an easy way.
  • The computer saves your confidential information in password-protected but in the files system it is not possible.
  • Computers have long lives component so you don't need to waste your money again and again.
  • When your computer gets damaged then you can repair it in a little money so, the maintenance is very easy.
  • It provides you the accessibility to access your data over the internet and you can send the mail using the E-mail service


  • A computer is an automation machine because it processes his data automatically.
  • Once we give the instruction to the computer in the form of programs. Then our computer system automatically processes our data according to the program is designed. 
  • If you don't have a deep knowledge of the computer then you don't need to worry about it because many programs come with the installed operating system you only need to follow the instructions and provide the data computer will automatically process your data and gives you a desirable result.

Reduce - Paper Work, Cost, and Time

  • In the previous era, we were totally depending on the paper works because whenever we need to save any type of date for further use then we wrote this data on paper and the cost of the paper are very expensive and it also takes a long time to write on paper and human get tired very soon. After the computer invention, everyone is starting to giving more preference to the computer because it can store a large amount of data securely. So we don't need to waste our money on paper costs and writing on the computer is very easy as compared to the handwritten data. 
  • Paper works need a big room space to store it but the computer needs one table by which you can operate your computer.
  • It is very difficult to retrieve your data from paper files but the computer can easily search that file in a few milliseconds by entering the name and type.
  • It is very costly to send your paperwork from one destination to another destination but with the help of a computer, you can send the data file over the internet at zero cost.

Increase Business Productivity

  • Every single business use computer to get the accurate and timely result because in business time is very important factor. If any data or information doesn't reach at right time then no use of data. Computer is the only way to get the information and data on time. 
  • Computer makes your business Accounting and Bookkeeping very easy. By using the Microsoft excel you can use the different formula to perform the different tasks and every time you will get the accurate resul.t
  • With help of computer you can fill your tax on time.

Connectivity With Internet

  • Internet is the big source of data. Here you can search your diserable query and with in a second you will get answer your your query. So, you can access the internet with the help of computer system. 
  • There are several free resources are available on the internet which you can use to increase your productivity.
  • You can earn the money on the internet by using the computer with internet.

Opportunity to get Jobs

  • There are several online jobs portal are available on the internet by which you can easily find out your disireable job.
  • You can also get update with all the newly realsed Goverment jobs online.
  • You can also apply for the job by filling their forms from the computer

Best Source of Knowledge

  • If you have a with active internet plan then you can study form the internet.
  • You can also take the help of YouTube and Google.
  • There are millions of website are available on the internet they teach online.
  • You will get the more result of your study as compare to the books.
  • You can search any type of query and definitely you will get the solution of your problem.
  • Best guide for your future study and it also provides the online books pdf so you can read.
There are several advantages of computer so, it is not possible to mention all the advantages for computer here. We have mentioned all the important factor where we can take the help computer system. I hope you have understand what are the advantages of computer. 


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