
Showing posts from September, 2019

Advantages Of Computer

There are several advantages of computers in today's world because everywhere we use computers or laptops to do our daily tasks for example - Schools, offices, hospitals, online Shopping, Home, and Banks, etc. Our Prime Minister Modi Ji launched the Digital India mission in which he focused on the online transaction and every transaction needs a machine to complete the transaction. We use the computer to get accurate and fast results in milliseconds. The computer can perform many difficult tasks in a few seconds and it is also reduced our paperwork. Most of the biggest advantage of computers is our paperwork is reduced because we can save files on the computer and we can also set the password so only you can access your confidential details hence, it is a very secure way to save your data. Advantages of Computers  High Speed The computer is the fastest calculating machine in the world because it performs there a task in a few nanoseconds. If you have a large amount of data to calcu

Block diagram of computer

Block diagram of computer Block diagram of computer tells us how a computer parts function together and also shows that how the data or information flow from one computer to another computer.  


COMPUTER SHORTCUT KEYS Below is the list of some important computer shortcut keys. Which every window user must know. These shortcut keys will make it easier to operate your computer system. If you use these shortcut keys you can make a good image in front of your friends and family they will think you have a good knowledge of computers. 50 shortcut key Ctrl + A Select all the text Ctrl + C Copy all the selected text Ctrl + V Paste  the copy text Ctrl + X Cut  selected text Ctrl + S Save current document Ctrl + F Open find window Ctrl + Z Undo last change Ctrl + Y Redo (reverse of undo) Ctrl + O Open   a file Ctrl + B Change selected text into bold Ctrl + I Change selected text into italic Ctrl + U Underline the selected text Ctrl + N Create new file Ctrl + F Find anyt


INPUT AND OUTPUT DEVICES INPUT Input is a mixture of two words first word is IN (which means inside ) and second word is PUT(put means keep). It means that put some data into the computer. INPUT DEVICES  Now, think how we can put the data? We can put the data with the help of some devices. These devices are called input devices.The result of the above lines is PUT some data IN to  the  with the help of input devices this process is called input. Now Think of such an angle from which we can put data into the computer 1.Keyboard Now you have to ask how keyboard is an input device? Let me explain with the help of keyboard we can type the letters, numbers, Special symbol. Type we touch keyboard button that button printed in the computer screen. It means that the keyboard is an input device. 2. Mouse Now you have to ask how mouse is an input device? Let me explain with the help of mouse we can open any application/software we are giving instructions to the computer.

Defination of computer

Definition of computer Computer is an electronic machine which take input and process the input after that produce the output result under the guidance of the user. Computer work on the principal of IPO(Input - Process - Output).